Hello and Welcome!

Do you ever find yourself wondering, “Is this really what I want to be doing with my life?” Been there more times then I’d like to admit. There I was with a camera in my hand, a dream in my head and a puzzled look on my face about what to do next.

For me, it all started with a little self reflection. I asked myself deeper questions about the elements of my personality, the types of activities I enjoy doing, what style of work I wanted to produce and finally how I could build a business around exactly those things. After a number of mindful meditations, late night yoga practices, and countless Creative Live marathons, I connected with the simple elements of who I am. I’m an extrovert, I enjoy human interaction and building relationships, I love to feel the grass under my feet and the sun on my skin, and I wish to create photographs that reflect real, natural moments. Hooray a start!

I quickly learned this journey was not one to take alone. So I hired professional help! The gracious and talented designers at Peter Loves Jane were able to take all the ideas floating around in my hippy brain and transform them in the beautiful Light Garden inspiration board above. All the colors, textures, and feelings I am excited to engrain in my business are all right there! Now all I have to do is…. Everything!

Hello and welcome to my creative journey toward building a business and a life that I love. I hope you enjoy the ride, feel inspired, and leave some love!

xo Madison


Baby Lincoln | Michigan Newborn Photography