Best of 2024 | A Year Of Rebirth
A new year. A blank canvas. A fresh start. I know for many of us (myself included) the opportunity to shed last year’s worries and begin again is inviting. It’s a chance to let go of what no longer serves us, and open ourselves to new opportunities.
Before we do that, however, I believe it’s important to look back before we look forward. To celebrate our wins, humbly accept our loses, and make changes to move forward with greater success.
One of my biggest challenges last year was the terrifying unknown of how to balance business and motherhood. I was overwhelmed by the idea of ensuring enough rest and hydration to breastfeed our baby, keeping her clean and warm and loved, keeping myself somewhat sane, while also delivering the loving and hands on photography experience I’d promised.
After Vivian was born, days and weeks started blending together, and exhaustion clouded my mind and body. I spent many days disheveled, hungry, and in yesterday’s clothes leaning completely on Jason for survival. Thankfully, that loving sparkle in Vivian’s bright blue eyes felt like a warm light guiding me through the dark. The purity of her trust in me flooded my being so fully it devoured me. It was when she looked at me with such innocence and peace when I regained my confidence about the path forward, however hard, and an entirely new purpose presented itself to me.
I started to feel a shift in energy from a life as a photographer and business owner - to a life as a mother and creator. A creator of a loving marriage, home, and flourishing environment for our daughter. A creator of fun, and film, and beauty. A creator of space for others to come and celebrate their loved ones too. It all just became so blissfully clear. My purpose was reborn.
So the energy I’m moving forward with in 2025 you may ask?
Simplicity, peace, beauty, creativity, and all the nourishing love you can imagine.
If these are things you would also like to weave into the coming year, then please… stick around because you are in wonderful company.
xo Madison